Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread
I have also completely changed the images and house style of the magazine.
Front Cover- I should move my barcode more over to the right-hand corner of the page.My coverline isn't as noticable, and should be a lot more larger. I may use the 'stroke effect' on Photoshop to outline the font of the artists at the top of the cover-page. I may also put a red outline (to go with the House-Style) around the teasing-contents. The image has been responded to positively from members of my Media class, saying it develops well with the genre and is has a 'unique,quirky' edge and style to it, also bringing fashion into the music magazine.
Contents Page- I need to add more pictures to the Contents Page, as I require a minimum of 4. The layout is not very professional and in order to improve this I will look at some other music magazines and emulate their styles in order to help improve my Contents. Also I have used the word 'Page' on my page numbers, and many people in my class disliked this and thought it was a weak point so I will also remove the word 'Page' when I edit this further. Also I am going to consider creating a fictional 'Letter from the Editor' with an MCU shot of another 'model'/person, it will also take up space on my contents so this won't make it look as 'spacious' and 'blank'.
Double-Page Spread- I going to make the interview longer and also use the font more artistically and creative like the majority of media magazines. Also I am going to restrict the image to the left hand page, and the interview on the right-hand page, also smaller in font and closer together. I also need to make it more detailed as I have made the mistake of putting different page numbers on the contents to the actual page numbers on the article. I am also going to add a 'Photo Credit' and also a fictional Web-Address.
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